2018 - 2019 High Honor Roll Oct 16, 2019, Meeting Recognition
BW PB Intermediate District 18 Champions October 16, 2019, Meeting Recognition
Little League Beachwood Buccaneers October 16, 2019, Meeting Recognition
Natl Friends fo Library Week Steve Copp with Mayor Roma October 16, 2019, Meeting Recognition
Dumbledore (Rob Rosetta) and Mrs. Roma at Harry Potter Day 2019
2017-2018 High Honor Roll Recognition
2018 EMS Week Captain Peck, Pres Tim Brosnan, 1st Lt Weingroff, Wil Stockham and Members
2018 Police Week Captain DeMarco, Sgt Mussari, Mayor Roma, Detective Magory
2018 ReOrg Meeting Presentation to Courtney Zahn Wonderful Singer 1-3-18
2019 Fire Prevention Week Mayor Roma, Chief Hull Asst Chief Allen Lt Sutera and Fire Prevention Official Roselli
2019 Mayor for a Day Kevin Rodgriguez with Family 5-15-19
2019 Mayor for a Day Kevin Rodriguez with Mayor Roma 5-15-19
Tick Awareness Proclamation Presentation to Kathleen Gregitis 6-6-18
High Honor Roll Seniors HS South 2018-2019
Police Detective Promotion for Dave Bowden 9-18-2018
WWI Centennial Banner September 19, 2018 Council Meeting
2018 Beachwood Elementary School Art Student Recognition
2018 Mayor for a Day Alex Rogers 4-18-18
2018 Pine Beach Elementary School Student Art Student Recognition
Recreation Presentation for the 100th Birthday Celebration of Beachwood Borough with Mayor Roma and Council Members
2017 Mayor for a Day Madison Styles 3-15-17